find support
There are times in life when obstacles are thrown in our path. During these times, it’s important to lean into our faith in God and reach out to others for help, support and prayer to get us through.
Hales Corners Lutheran offers many groups and resources to assist you through those trials. For more information on these lay person-led groups, please contact the church office at 414-529-6700, or use the contact information listed for the group.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are seeking a person with experience caring for a loved one with physical, developmental, memory, or mental health challenges to assist the facilitator of the Caregiver Support Group at monthly gatherings.
We are seeking a female co-facilitator to assist with our spring session of Life's Healing Choices. The group is designed to walk alongside those who are struggling with past hurts, habits, or addictions that prevent them from living the life they want to live. This 8 week faith based program will meet on Thursday evenings. Please reach out to for more information or to volunteer. Please note that this group will be open to both genders as participants, we have just already filled the three male co-facilitator roles.
Seeking volunteers ages 12 and up (or younger IF they serve in partnership with a parent) to help with Buddy Break on the third Sunday of the month from 12:30 - 4:00 pm. Please join us as we have fun with some wonderful individuals who have special needs. Please note that you do not need to volunteer every month. We will welcome your help when you are able to join us.
Seeking volunteers to assist two Monday nights a month with Griefshare at a men's medium security prison in Sturtevant. No prior experience necessary.
Seeking volunteers to assist with Griefshare two Tuesday mornings a month at a minimum security women's prison in Union Grove. No prior experience necessary.
If you have specific experience with, or a heart for, any of the ministries below, you are invited to contact our Care Ministries team to explore opportunities to serve.
Please contact for more information on any of the volunteer opportunities listed.
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Deaf & Hard of Hearing
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homebound support
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Bringing comfort to those who are homebound, hospitalized, in assisted living or nursing homes, incarcerated, or in drug recovery centers
To request a visit, email