learner’s club registration

For Children in 3K & 4K
Mondays & Tuesdays • 11:30 am - 3:00 pm

Learner’s Club offers a stimulating and nurturing educational environment, taught by certified teachers, engaging children in reading, writing, math, science, art, cooking, Jesus time and more! Each class will have an exciting new theme to keep kids interested and engaged. Many families find this to be the perfect opportunity to help transition their child from preschool and prepare them for Kindergarten. Limited capacity.

Please remember your Learner's Club child will need:

➔ to have their winter outdoor gear, including coat, snowpants, mittens, and boots.

➔ a healthy lunch in a lunch bag labeled with their name.

➔ a (separate) healthy snack labeled with their name.


➔ If your child is currently enrolled in our morning 3K/4K class, your teacher/assistant will escort them to Learner’s Club on Tuesdays.

➔ If you are not currently enrolled in our preschool and are joining us just for Learner’s Club, drop off is from 11:15 am - 11:20 am. Park in the north parking lot, walk your child in the Early Childhood Entrance, and bring them to room 1079.

➔ For all Learner’s Club children: Dismissal is at 3:00 pm. Please park in the North Parking Lot and use the Early Childhood entrance. A line will form outside classroom 1079. At 3:00 pm, the teacher will dismiss the children.

Classes held at Hales Corners Lutheran.
12300 W Janesville Road
Hales Corners, WI 53130

Contact Crissy Peterson at cpeterson@hcl.org with any questions.