get involved

When it comes to supporting Global Mission at HCL, there are many ways you can get involved. Maybe you have musical talents or construction skills to offer or simply a willingness to make a donation. No matter what you find in your heart to give, your contributions are directly impacting our mission of making a difference in the world for Christ.

find a mission based on your skills

No experience or special skills are necessary to participate on a Short Term Mission Experience; however, there are some skills that may be helpful to your team. You many also wish to find a Short Term Mission Experience where you are able to apply your interests or specialties.

Slovakia Short Term Mission Experience

Skills, experiences and interest for the Slovakia trip:

  • Vacation Bible School Experience

  • Teaching

  • Music/Singing

  • English as Second Language (ESL) experience

Haiti Short Term Mission Experience

Panama Short Term Mission Experience

find a mission based on location

From remote villages in the tropics to Central Europe - the call to serve and spread God’s Word brings our Short Term Mission Experience (STME) groups across the globe. We are sent to make a difference in the world for Christ wherever our feet take us.

support global mission from home

The simplest way to give to HCL’s mission efforts is through the Mission envelopes in the pew-back. These dollars go into the general Together in Mission fund to be used in these efforts. You can also designate online giving toward Mission. Because of the dynamic nature of mission work, it is best if funds are given to the general Mission fund to be used as needed, when needed. If you wish to give to a specific effort, please contact Pastor Wood at or 414-529-6700 to discuss the best options. Click here for more information.