global mission

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Our God is a God of Mission. Our word “Mission” comes from the Latin word “missio” which means “to send”. Our God sends. He sends Adam and Eve, and mankind to populate and manage His world. He sends Abraham to a new land to “bless all the nations”. Our God sends Jesus, His son, into our world in order to redeem and save it – restoring a broken creation. Our God now sends us.We are sent to be witnesses of the love of Jesus that we ourselves have experienced. We are sent to love others in His name and with His love. We are sent to make a difference in the world for Christ wherever our feet take us. The Holy Spirit fills us up and sends us out to proclaim the love of Jesus to Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday!


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Alaska Mission for Christ is a nonprofit Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod ministry established to proclaim and practice the love of Jesus in Alaska. Since we believe every Christian is part of the body of Christ, we encourage and equip volunteers to be involved in sharing the Gospel through various Servant Event opportunities.

Central Asia

HCL supports mission work in Central Asia.

El Paso

Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) is a faith-based, 501c(3), non-profit organization that provides relief and human care services while planting and nurturing missions on the U.S./Mexico border (El Paso/Juarez region).  YLM provides aid and ministry services that benefit the lives of thousands of people every year.


HCL partners with Mission Experience in Haiti to provide care and support for an orphanage just outside of Port au Prince.


The Center for Christian Education is a place where the people of all ages can learn and experience the love of Christ. We wish to spread the gospel in the post-communist part of the world and to reintroduce a church which is faithful to its calling and relevant in today´s society. We aim to do this via excellent quality education focused on theology, social ministry and mission.


How does this work?

HCL trains and sends teams on several Short Term Mission Experiences (STME) each year. Learn more about how to sign up and how to prepare for a trip.