Special Needs

Supported Family Worship

Volunteers from the Special Needs Ministry are on hand in the pews on the East side of the sanctuary (section 2) near the Serenity Room at the 10:45 service to assist families of individuals with special needs worship together. They can sit with families, take individuals to the Serenity Room as needed, provide sensory rich activity bags, and brainstorm ways to make worship a comfortable and meaningful experience for all.

ASL interpretation will also be provided at the 10:45 am service.

This support will be offered every Sunday of the month except for Buddy Break Sundays (typically the 3rd Sunday of the month).

Pre-registration is not required. Please come worship with us!

For more information, please contact Care Ministries at 414-529-6700 or careministries@hcl.org.

Sensory Rich Activity Bags

  • Sensory Rich Activity Bags are available in the Serenity Room

Educational Hour

  • Offered as needed.

  • Developmentally appropriate confirmation classes or support within monthly confirmation church services.

  • Support within Sunday School classes.

If assistance is needed, please contact Care Ministries at 414-529-6700 or careministries@hcl.org.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing

  • Sign language interpretation available 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sundays of the month in the Sanctuary during the 10:45 am service.

  • Assistive listening devices available, ask ushers when attending services.

Friendship Circle Bible Study for Adults

  • Join our Friendship Circle Bible Study for Adults. Sign language interpretation included.

Please contact Ruth at (262) 470-0576 or rstuhr@icloud.com for meeting times and location.

Special Needs VBS

Special Needs Vacation Bible School is for individuals of all ages who have special needs and would benefit from a smaller group with a decreased level of auditory and visual stimulation. This is held annually during the same week as HCL’s morning VBS, from 9:30-11:30 am.


Ability Center Open gym


Please complete the Open Gym Attendee Form prior to attending the event. Click here to complete the form. Thank you!


Buddy Break

When a loved one has special needs, it’s important to find the right accommodations to enable them to get involved and participate in the things they enjoy. Here at HCL, we have a number of resources, events, and activities that are tailored to meet your loved one at their point of need and ensure they are able to enjoy worship and the ministries they choose to get involved in. Buddy Break is a free monthly respite program for families of kids and young adults with special needs. It is offered Sundays, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, in the Fellowship Hall.

To register, visit www.BuddyBreak.org or call 414-529-6700, or email BuddyBreak@hcl.org.


VIP’s (Individuals with special needs and their siblings)

  • Identify Hales Corners Lutheran Church as your location.

  • Complete the secure VIP Family Info Form online

  • Call to reserve your space at a VIP orientation (required). This allows the Buddies to meet you and your children and gives you a chance to see Buddy Break before you begin participating. Orientation is held monthly during the Buddy Break Session.

Buddies (Volunteers)

  • Identify HCLC as your location

  • Call to register for a two hour Buddy Training 101 class (14 years and older)

Volunteer Opportunities

Won't you consider being a part of this wonderful movement to support our community's special needs population? Buddy Break is a monthly respite program for families with children with Special Needs. The biggest need is 1-on-1 volunteers, but help is needed in other areas, such as set up and clean up, and help in activity rooms (music room, game room, craft room, gym, Imagination Station, STEM room), and prayer partners. You don't need to commit to helping every month - you can come as you are able.

  • Educational Hour-instructors, assistants

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Plan activities in one of the activity rooms

  • Prayer Partners

  • Administrative Tasks

  • Buddies for Buddy Break or weekly Sunday School

For more information or to get registered, you can also email us at buddybreak@hcl.org. Training will be held as needed via Zoom.