Archives Ministry Volunteers: Archives ministry is looking for volunteers to help organize and maintain the church archives. If you love history and have the gift of organization, we would love your help. If you are interested in serving, please contact Wayne Kestner at wkestner@hcl.org.
Birthday Blessing Phone Volunteers: Volunteers are given the names and numbers of congregation members celebrating birthdays each month. The volunteers call the people on their list to let them know we are thinking of them, wishing them a happy birthday, and praying for them. Volunteers are given only the number of calls they feel they can make each week or month and calls are made when convenient for the volunteer. Please contact Tammy at therro@hcl.org if you are interested.
Buddy Break: Play games, make crafts, and have all kinds of fun with children and adults with Special Needs on the 3rd Sunday of most months from 12:30 - 4:15 pm. Click here to learn more about Buddy Break.
Childcare Volunteers for MOMS Group: The Moms group is seeking volunteers to provide childcare every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month from 9-11 am, from Sept. - May. If you are interested, please contact Kim Lynch, 414-322-5450, momsminstry@hcl.org.
Coffee Crew: We are looking for Coffee Crew volunteers for Sunday mornings! One weekend a month, 8:15-10:45. Brew and serve delicious coffee. Contact Gina at gherman@hcl.org to pour over the details and officially join the Coffee Crew!
Communion Care Ministry: Help is needed at the Sat 5:30pm and Sun 7:45am, 9:15am, and 10:45am services. When you serve with the Communion Care Ministry, you help with set-up and take-down for Baptisms and Holy Communion. Serve once a month or every other month. Click here for more information about Worship Ministry.
Concierge Volunteers: The Concierge ministry is in need of volunteers who love to talk! As a concierge, you will monitor the Atrium during the worship service and be available before and after service to answer questions or direct worshipers to the proper area for information. Volunteers sign up for one service. Training is provided. Please contact Deb, dwagenecht@hcl.org or 414-529-6700 if interested.
Confirmation Ministry Small Group Leaders: Click here to learn more about Confirmation Ministry.
Common Grounds: We are always looking for more helpers on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings before and after services. For those interested, training is provided, so no prior experience is required. Individuals, couples, and families are encouraged to consider serving in this fun environment. Please contact Gina Herman at hclcommongrounds@yahoo.com.
Decorating Ministry: Help decorate the Sanctuary, Atrium, and outside of the building for different seasons and holidays. Contact Nikki at nelkin@hcl.org if you’re interested.
Ebenezer Stone Ministries: Volunteers are needed to help prepare and disperse food for each of our food programs. If you are interested and would like to learn more, please visit ebenezerstoneministries.org or contact Michael Haas at (414) 388-0652 or mhaas@ebenezerstoneministries.org.
Gardening Club: Are you a pro at planting? A wonderful weeder? A fan of flowers? A green thumb gardener? We need you! Hales Corners Lutheran is starting a Gardening Club to help weed, plant flowers, and maintain all of the garden spaces on our campus. This is a great opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other church members while doing what you love! If you're interested, please contact Jill Felch at jfelch@hcl.org for more information.
GriefShare Prison Ministry: HCL is partnering with a chaplain at the Racine Correctional Institute to provide a Griefshare program at three local institutions. Volunteers are needed two Tuesday mornings a month at a women’s prison and two-three Monday evenings a month at a men’s prison. Training and curriculum provided. Please pray on this need and email careministries@hcl.org for more information.
Hope Street Ministry: Local opportunities include providing childcare for their Sunday meetings at 4:00 pm, leading Bible study, adopting an apartment, joining them for meal or a cookout, planning and leading a VBS for the kids, starting a workout or wellness group with the residents, and joining them for Wednesday morning prayer. Contact careministries@hcl.org or 414-529-6700 to volunteer or for more information. Click here to learn more about Hope Street Ministry.
Hosts for DEVOTED: We are looking for volunteers to serve as hosts during the 9:15 and 10:45 DEVOTED sessions. Hosting involves greeting guests, supporting the teaching pastor, minimal set up and take down, and gathering the offering. This is a wonderful way to attend and serve! Contact Carol at cfedewa@hcl.org to sign up!
Lawn Care Service: Help with lawn care during the summer and leaf raking in the fall at HCL or for elderly/disabled members.
Lay Worship Assistants: Assist with the distribution of Holy Communion and other lay worship roles as needed. We are happy to work with your schedule. If interested, please contact Tammy at therro@hcl.org
Marriage Mentors: Serve as a guide for new couples entering the commitment of marriage. If you are interested, please contact Julie Crowe, 414-529-6700.
Meals Ministry: Provide meals for members who have lost a loved one or are dealing with a health issue and need assistance providing meals for their family during their crisis. Contact Karen Ruetz at klruetz@yahoo.com or Carolyn Bienert at carolyn@bnert.com or Carol Stilwell at stilwellcarol@gmail.com for more information and to sign up to help.
StockBox: Deliver food boxes to low-income senior citizens. Additional volunteers are needed for this delivery to local apartment buildings. The first Monday of each month from 2:00 to 3:15 pm. Contact Wayne at 414-218-5889.
Technical Volunteers: Are you technically savvy or have a willingness to learn?? We are looking for YOU! We have immediate opportunities available. Please contact Trevor Powers, Technical Director, at tpowers@hcl.org for further information.
Toddler Nursery Volunteers: By volunteering to be with kiddos (who are walking to age 3), you are allowing their families to attend worship and Bible study! We are excited to offer nursery care this year during both the 9:15 am and 10:45 am services! Please note the time when you sign up. Sign up for as many dates that work for you! Click here to sign up.
Ushers: Ushers are needed during every worship service to help parishioners find seats, offer direction during Holy Communion, collect the offering, and more. We need more ushers specifically at the Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 7:45 am, 9:15 am, and 10:45 am services. Please contact Tammy at therro@hcl.org if you are interested.
Worship Sound & Screen Techs: We're looking for volunteers to run the sound board and screens for worship services. Training will be provided. Opportunities are available for ALL worship services. Commitment can be for 1 - 2 services per month, or more if desired! If interested, please contact Jana Petersen for Sanctuary Worship at jpetersen@hcl.org or Riitta Kulinski for DEVOTED sessions in the Chapel at rkulinski@hcl.org.